Tennessee Teen Gets a Tandem Skydive for Free
Last Saturday, May 14th, Music City Skydiving gave Atoka, Tennessee 18 year old Jacob Hardin so

me hope in an otherwise challenging part of his life. Jacob has been diagnosed with chuvash polycythemia, a rare blood disorder. So rare in fact that doctors have no treatment much less a cure. Jacob is at high risk for blood clots and over the next 10 years, his organs will begin to fail as the disease progresses. Due to high medical expenses Jacob was unable to afford to skydive. His dream of joining the military was denied because of his condition. So Music City Skydiving stepped in to grant his dream. Tandem instructor and co-owner, Taylor Smith agreed to take Jacob free of charge. Our hope is that Jacob can find some peace with his condition and try to experience all of the great things life has to offer while he has time.
Just outside Nashville, Tennessee, Music City Skydiving is making dreams come true for tandem skydivers.